Saturday, February 29, 2020

People who contribute to social security should have the right to Essay

People who contribute to social security should have the right to choose how their money is invested - Essay Example Neither is social security a financially secure program as the office itself has a problem collating funds in order to fund itself. The program is basically bankrupt. Knowing that social security is in dire straights due to the U.S. economy, one cannot help but wonder, maybe the system will be better off if it is privatized and the members are given the opportunity to invest the money they contribute to the system themselves? With the annual return of social security contributions pegged at about 1.2. % this means that is has the lowest ROI prediction of all the retirement investments of an individual. The expected ROI from the stock market averages 6.34 %. As such, if a social security account is converted into a private account, the FICA taxes could give a maximum return on the investment upon the retirement of the member. The social security system would then actually be in a position to help supplement the retirees income in a significant manner. (â€Å"Should Social Security be Privatized?†). ... y accounts were privatized by allowing individuals to have their own private accounts, the member will be able to maximize the full potential of his membership with the system. Keep in mind that when the Social Security Act was set into place by congress back in 1935, Pres. Franklin Roosevelt signed a document that merely stated that the program would provide old-age benefits for its members. This was amended in 1956 to include disability benefits for its members (Agresti James, & Cordone Stephen â€Å"Social Security Facts†). The structure by which the program is created shows that the system is not in the control of the members, but rather in the hands of politicians who have the ability to format and reformat the program as they deem fit. To be clear (Tamny, John, â€Å"The Ugly Truth About Social Security is Revealed†): ... the money we pay into Social Security is not ours, meaning politicians can reduce or confiscate the dollars withheld from our paychecks as they see fit. They can also reduce our retirement by simply raising the retirement age. And then as evidenced by the collapse of the dollar since 2001 (a dollar in ’01 bought 1/250th of an ounce of gold, today it buys 1/1600th), another way they can eviscerate their obligations is to debase the dollars they are presumed to owe. Our politicians are not currently in the position to invest our hard earned dollars in any system that is meant to help alleviate the lives of the people. It was too much governance in the financial aspect of individual lives that brought us to this point in this first place. The government has shown us that they cannot even work together to put together a cohesive budget for our country, how can we trust them to develop a cohesive investment plan for the future and current retirees of

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Board Governance and Volunteer Management in Nonprofits Term Paper

Board Governance and Volunteer Management in Nonprofits - Term Paper Example n should be run directly under the aegis of the board of governors who make all the decisions and decide what exactly the charter of the organization is going to be. They will understand the very basis of the management as well as the ways and means through which people are hired, jobs are assigned and tasks delegated to one another (Nelson 1997). The organizational plan also encompasses the relationships with similar nonprofit or for-profit organizations and how the two work along with one another to bring about a symbiotic association. The organizational plan for at-risk girls banks a great deal on the linkages of these organizations with each other, most of which deal specifically with the emphasis on at-risk schools and children (Barrett 1995). Also the manner in which the organization is going to operate on a regular basis, its functional costs, its pending issues and so on need to be taken care of at the highest level. These aspects are important as they mention each and every pointer in complete totality. The specific tools and strategies which the at-risk girls organization must make use of include the basis of its recruitment and selection, the manner in which new employees are hired, trained and then let off their jobs (removal from service). It also comprises of their orientation at the organization whilst being supervised by the employers themselves. The board members are chosen on a strict guideline where they are evaluated time and again as per their work basis. The non-governing volunteers and the employees who do pro bono work are also taken care of. Their selection is a very cumbersome process, but one that surely requires a stringent approach. These tools and strategies need to be drawn up in such a manner that there is complete accountability and clarity at all ranks, and no apprehensions are raised as such (Beeler 1994). At-risk girls organization is a nonprofit institution therefore it is necessary to find out how money will flow and how

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Teaching plan for a 8 year old with diabeties Essay

Teaching plan for a 8 year old with diabeties - Essay Example Additionally, school nurses are mandated to make referrals based on a clinical judgment. The major groups involved in school nursing include; toddlers, adults, school age children, teenagers and preschoolers (HAAD, 2010). Some of the screening roles of a student nurse involve vision, posture and body mass screening. This is done to recognize any deviations from normal health. America Academy of Pediatrics (2008) posits that other vital roles of a student nurse include provision of leadership during the endowment of health services and the promotion of a school health environment. A healthy environment concerns emotional safety and implementation of precautions against infectious diseases. Safety school plans help in addressing bullying issues, violence and all emergencies that may be witnessed at school. The leadership role of a student nurse is also extended to health programs and policies. It is also worth noting that for nursing services to be well provided, a student nurse has to ensure that school personnel and health care providers are coordinated. Some of the direct care roles of a student nurse are to conduct detailed assessments of systematic health. Such an assessment entails data analysis so as to identify problems in health. Thereafter, care plans that are individualized are formulated. Usually, the student nurse also has the responsibility of ensuring that ongoing information regarding health is communicated to school authorities and students as care is provided (HAAD, 2010). Another important role of student nurses concerns supervision of immunization programs. My encounter with a student nurse revealed a lot of issues that concern accountability, integrity and confidentiality. To start with, she maintains both verbal and written communication modes with all the staff and doctors so that the safety of students can be guaranteed. Medications are also stored in secure rooms so that individualized medical care is to be attained. Medical services are also availed 24 hours to the students, and all information handled with utmost confidentiality. Exceptional nursing standards are put in place to enhance the efficiency of individualized care. During my stay with a student nurse, an 11 year old patient with diabetes came. The patient said that he suffered from increased thirst, hunger and hyperglycemia. Additionally, the diabetic patient had frequent episodes of urination. This was an opportunity to discuss with the care giver of the 11 year old and the school nurse concerning the issue diabetes. The outcome was that the 11 year old should engage in physical exercise, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and reduce intake of sugars that can predispose a patient to risks. In addition, the caregiver and should help the monitor the blood sugar of the diabetic patient at home and school respectively. The student nurse counseled the family regarding the importance of adhering to diabetic’s medication. Assessment The assessment is ab out an 11 year old student whose medical history reveals that he has diabetes. His past medical history also reveals that all immunization procedures were adhered to. However, records in the file reveal that the family has a diabetic history. The child has a weight of 50 kgs and a height of 132 cm. This puts him at risk of juvenile diabetes as his body mass index is 28.70. This is the most optimal stage for peer interaction and skills enhancement for the patient. The patient is on a